Roll With It

Tiny Bow, you will be avenged!

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2021 Year in Review

2021 has been a year of slow progress for me. I’m finally pursuing a B.A. in earnest, and in turn beginning to make the transition from writing for fun to maybe making a career of it.

As always, this list is mostly what I’ve watched this year that I have something (positive) to say about, and not necessarily the “best” nor “of the year”, listed in alphabetical order.

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2020 Year in Review

Another year has gone by, and at least you and I, dear reader, have made it out the other side.  I won’t say that this odd year in entertainment somehow made it worth it, because it didn’t.  It did, however, make things occasionally more bearable, and that’s worth something. Read more

Fruits Basket Season 1: A Review-ish Thing

I considered saving this for my traditional year-end highlight list, but opted to give this show its own post because A) I have a ton of thoughts on it RIGHT NOW that I wish to express and B) I have a ton of thoughts on it which would inevitably take up no less than half of that post and still not really do them justice.  So I’m just taking some time to write said thoughts down and dedicating a whole post to it, though it’s not really a proper review.  If you want a review, here it is: If you’ve ever had the slightest interest in Fruits Basket, watch this show.  It is beautiful. Read more